For sure, you’re going to be hacked…so be prepared to react quickly!
Most of the crises today revolve around a data breach. So, here’s a tip: assume that sooner or later you’re going to be hacked – no matter how hard you try.
Even the experts get it totally wrong: Facebook, Google, Apple, LinkedIn and, last week – the CEO of Twitter’s phone – was taken over by hackers.
So what hope is there for the rest of us if these smart kids can’t get it right?
A sensible course of action is to assume that one day you’ll be hacked and then have procedures in place to handle it.
Here, speed is of the essence. The longer you delay released the information about the hacking, the more criticism and brand damage you’ll face.
Consumers can be forgiving if you are open and honest and that means reacting quickly especially with details like addresses, phone numbers and credit card details.
Last week, Apple admitted a problem, first spotted by Google six months earlier.
Last year, Facebook took more than a month to tell people that some of their data had been accessed…and so it goes on.
Consumers can be forgiving about the hack – it’s life! But they don’t want these unsavoury characters having open access to their data for weeks, or months.
Facebook is now advertising on how you can adjust your privacy settings.
Personally, I can’t be bothered fiddling around with settings; I presume everything I send electronically will be hacked.
In the subject line, I just put ‘Press Release’ and then have a think.
However, I’m hoping this post will be hacked and sent by millions of people…I’ll be lucky!
Have a good week.