For sure, you’re going to be hacked…so be prepared to react quickly! September 10th, 2019 Most of the crises today revolve around a data breach. So, here’s a tip: assume that sooner or later you’re going to be hacked – no...
Afraid of heights: The Moral High Ground is a Cliff September 4th, 2019 Apple has always been proud of its security. In fact, it is part of the brand when you buy one of the company’s products. When CEO, Tim C...
Is Google the next big climate crisis? August 12th, 2019 Of all the tech giants, Google and Apple have the fuzziest (and I mean ‘nice guys’) images and hence reputations. People love them becaus...
Who will defend the indefensible? July 29th, 2019 When you’re in a crisis, no one really wants to know you. The people you thought were your best friends tend to melt away like summer sno...
Bursting for a leak July 15th, 2019 If you want to make absolutely sure that everyone reads something, just mark it ‘confidential’ or ‘senior management only’ or better stil...
The ostrich syndrome: the real crisis in politics May 20th, 2019 Under any definition, there is a real crisis in politics. We may laugh at the Ukraine electing a comedian as president. And in Italy, we...
Facebook: a crisis of confidence May 13th, 2019 Much like volcano eruptions are preceded by earthquakes, there are usually early warning tremors with crises. So: let’s start with a litt...
Lightning strikes twice: The China Syndrome April 29th, 2019 They say that madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. It’s often attributed to Einstein. So...